100% solids modified epoxy resin system containing a variety of highly abrasion resistant fillers giving excellent abrasion resistance in many applications.
Typical applications: chutes, launders, pumps, cyclones, valves, pulleys.
100% solids modified epoxy resin system with unique properties for this application. Exceptionally high compressive strength and the ability to cure in damp conditions make this a product which can be used in all crushing applications from tertiary to primary crushers. Relatively low S.G. means fewer kits are required.
Typical applications: All crushing applications
A 100% solids modified epoxy resin system for protecting concrete and metal against chemical attack.
Typical applications: Suitable for sewerage plants, sugar mills, pump and paper plants.
100% solids modified epoxy resin system for protecting and decorating concrete, wooden and metal floors. Applied by brush, roller, or squeegee. Available in smooth or non-skid finishes.
Typical applications: workshop floors, garages, metal catwalks